I have been blogging for some time, although it is an on and off relationship. I do try to religiously update my web sites:
- My First Million
- Earn Money Online
More so now that I read about Jim Karter. Let me share his story here.
Crossing $9,000/month with Kontera
Most part of April, I was out on vacation. But it seems my sites were doing good even when I was not seeing them.
With Kontera, I am crossing the bigger and bigger number every month. In February I did $7,000+ with Kontera. In march I crossed $8,000 mark with them. And now in the month of April, it seems I will be crossing $9,000 mark.
As per the current Kontera stats (from 1st April to 27th April), I am seeing $8,944.64 in my account for the month. And there are still three more days to go. I am assuming that I will surely cross the $9,000 mark for April. Then, there is this affiliate earnings as well, from the banner on the right hand side of this blog. Kontera reports the affiliate earnings only at the end of the month.
I use Kontera on my 30+ sites only. Here is the current screenshot (click to enlarge):
Now, does this mean $10,000 is my Kontera earnings target for May 2008?
Well, I am in the process of setting up two new companies in Gurgaon, Delhi. So, I may not be able to concentrate much on my websites for May 2008. But let me still keep the target for May 2008 at $10,000 in Kontera earnings. There is better to have a bigger target than smaller one.
How are you doing with Kontera?
Now, who doesn't envy this guy?!? Seriously, I want to have the same income from Kontera as he is having.
Analysing his success story shows the following:
- he has 32 web sites as of the date on the check
- I suppose he maintains a team of bloggers to manage ALL these blogs
- he is very active in his sites - he posts feedbacks on guests' comments
Well, I can't maintain so much Web sites for now. I will maintain this site and the other. When they reach 10,000 visits, I will open another. When I get to 3 or 4, I will then hire a team of bloggers.
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